Friday, January 19, 2007


Latest update:

The guys have made it through the border of Libya. - passing through a military outpost that used to be some type of gas station at some time.
The people are very serious but you know Charlie can make almost anyone laugh. And he did - he made the guards laugh by saying: "Come run with us." They seem to have accepted the runners pretty well. (so far, so good)

It is very cold there right now. 33 degrees in the am and only warming up to about 50 degrees in the afternoon.
The winds are about 15mph at an altitude of about 2500 feet.
"You would swear you were in Utah," Charlie said. "There are big, beautiful, plateau type mountains surrounding." The desert still looks the same, but the background gives you the feel of Western America.
They will soon be coming into the more modern, wealthy parts of Libya and hopefully will be through in 20 days or less.
They still hope to finish by the 100th day, February 10, at the Red Sea.

Charlie has made history! It is literally a historical moment for any American to run through/in Libya and CHARLIE is that man! This is huge accomplishment in itself.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that these guys will accomplish the full goal. There isn't much time left and it has been quite the Journey!!

Looking forward to another update soon.

"Team Charlie Engle" Headquarters


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Steven Meiers said...

Hi Guys

Shari Leinwand, Larry Title, Fred Jones and I met and chatted with you you when we were driving from Tombouctou to Gao, hard enough in a four-wheel drive vehicle.

The last entry I could find on the rts/National Geographic website was December 12, shortly after we met, so we were all concerned for you, and are happy to see you are doing so well.


Three of us are in LA, so when you're back in Manhattan Beach, let us know (

For some news from home, it's been real cold in LA (into the low 30s) and hailed two days ago. Day before yesterday, the day after the hail, was almost crystal clear, and I rode the length of the bikepath (northern Santa Monica to the southern end of Redondo), a day when there were few people on the bikepath.

A friend, Bob Levy, has a small business in Manhattan -- Mr. Funn Bunns, check it out.

Congratulations again. Hope to see you when you're home.

Steve Meiers

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Jason Martin said...


Im on my way and leave china on the 8th and will be in Cairo on the 9th for the finish. Cant wait to see you guys.

I will have new watches waiting for you at the finish line!



At 11:09 PM, Blogger Jason Martin said...


Im on my way and leave china on the 8th and will be in Cairo on the 9th for the finish. Cant wait to see you guys.

I will have new watches waiting for you at the finish line!



At 1:07 AM, Blogger RunRonClark said...

Where is the media event? This is historical! Team Charlie needs to fire their PR people. At least he dropped the Team Magoo moniker.
I mean come on, this a first in Mankind's history and the only sponsors are a second rate Target sneaker/shoe company. And Charlie is peddling some skin care snake oil. I guess Magellan is sort of upper tier sponsor.
You have to look very hard to find ANY news on this. Actually , there are no news at all, go ahead and so a search. Paris Hilton gets more press if she forgets to wear her thongs when she goes out clubbing.
What a let down for all the runners who are keeping an eye on this Humanitarian event.
What would be so sad is that Puff Diddy will do the same thing but only run a half day's worth and get more sponsors and press release and he will still end up with Paris Hilton's thongs in his pocket.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger dina said...

I agree with runronclark..... Where is the media? I am having a hard time finding any news about the three heroes of mine!!The blog is nice, but I check in weekly to see what is the latest. And there is nothing new. It is sad of the society that we live in... People are fascinated with Paris, who has no talent and no skills and yet these three guys have dedicated their whole lives to be the best athletes as possible.

At 3:36 AM, Blogger RunRonClark said...

I do not like to add to my own thread but here is the low down of the media. Actually it is from a friend who is a PR executive for a media company. His answer is that people are very jaded. The average person would not consider Team Charlie as athletes but rather as gonzo fruitcases. Most people can not relate to this team's talent and spirit. It would be very hard to market these guys, hence the lack of support from Nike, Gatorade and etc. The ROI of the sponsorship would be microscopic. and any company that is associated with it would be pigeon-holed into and "extreme" sales venue. According to him, anything "extreme" is unmarketable anymore. Also, in the USA mindset, it is the middle east ( yes I know, it is nowhere near the middle east ). People do not have the "ears" to listen to this.
God, I hope that what I am about to say does not happen, but I was told that this beautiful event will be nothing more than a minor footnote.
On a different note, what the hell is Mago? I saw the link and it does not compel me to buy anything. Wrinkle remover for athletes? Jeez, whats next? a "Ball" creme for runners to reduce chaffing? Hahaha that is the most absurd marketing I have ever seen. I hope who ever invested in that skin company did not invest a lot.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger zazagrl said...

That is so funny runronclark! And very astute. I went to the Mago skin site that Charlie is selling. What a riot.
I'm sorry, and yes I love you Charlie, but I will not buy skin care from a sweaty guy as a poster child. I guess I'm too much of a chick to over look that. That whole web site is so icky. Who ever is running that company should be hit on the head.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger carryday said...

who are you people? All you can talk about his how bad the marketing and PR? You Dis Charlie and his sponsors on his own page? Even promote your "friend's" business, Mr. FunnBunns?!! Charlie is a great guy, GREAT. He's one of the few people in this WORLD doing what he loves and at the highest level. I know we all support him, so say something positive! I love the team's style. They look so tough on Charlie's welcome page, matching gear and raccoon gaze. Great work. Finish strong, guys. Roger

At 1:33 PM, Blogger vanilla2 said...

I agree with Roger. Who are these people blasting the team? Certainly not true supporters These guys are undertaking a truly phenomenal feat. There will be plenty of PR and media post race. Charlie is great at that stuff. Get off the blog bashing and spread the word about H2 Africa donations.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Prismatico said...

Congratulations you are an example from the human kind, I am shock for your journey!!


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