Friday, December 22, 2006

Girls To Visit Africa

Check out the new RTS website


Blogs will still be posted here but log onto the RTS site for additional information and some really cool photos accompanied by some very interesting articles.

The girls (Kathy and Nicole) and I are headed for Paris tomorrow. WE will be on our way to visit the guys in Africa. This will be an exciting moment as we meet them on Christmas day.
How cool is that?

Sorry there hasn't been any blogs from me lately - I've been under the weather - but I'm sure I'll have some great news when I return and some really cool stories to tell.

By the way - the guys are STILL doing GREAT!! What an amazing group. They seem to be filled with all the same spirit and excitement that they had from the very beginning. (and then some)
I know they've experienced more in the last few weeks than ever imagined. (good and bad)
Theres no doubt about their determination and dedication to this great cause!!

Happy Holidays to everyone! And keep those that are less fortunate in mind. Help others who can't help themselves. (near or far) There are many ways to do it - you just have to make the effort.

Lisa Trexler
" Team Charlie" headquarters

Friday, December 08, 2006

Headed To Niger

The guys are making their way past Gao and headed for Agades, Niger!!
Still going steady dispite a few more stomach issues. It is to be expected in such situations.

There is a great aritcle in Sports Illustrated magazine. Check it out!

Also, as far as the RTS site - due to more delays, not anyone's fault inparticular, the site will go live on December 18th. (at least that's what I heard) Don't give up!! It has been a long, difficult road and many efforts have been made by hundreds of people to get this expedition going and keep it going.
So tell all your friends and family to continue their support. Many more updates will be available soon and lots of cool information!

Until next time.......

"Team Charlie" headquarters

Monday, December 04, 2006


Sorry - no new news for the RTS website - it was supposed to be today but looks like it will take longer. Keep checking.

For now - Charlie says: "Our duty on earth is to live the best lives we can so we can help other people live the best lives they can. Don't feel guilty about what you have, just make sure you do your best to make other people's lives better."

Charlie, Ray, and Kevin are now between Timbuktu and Gao, just above the Niger river.
"Mali is a beautiful place with very friendly people and very big mosquitoes."
It also has great sandunes in which they camped along top of one night.
"It was like being in a high rise building looking over the rest of the city."
Under a great big full moon, it's sure to an amazing sight!

Timbukto has around 150,000 - 200,000 people, so you can imagine the welcome that was given to these great runners as they entered into this wonderful place.

stay tuned........

from "Team Charlie" Headquarters